Hey what’s up? … G’Day howya doing?

A site of places, perspectives, viewpoints and views mostly of Australia and the United States.
Hello, Hey and G’Day, my name is Joe Fidler. I grew up in Sydney and worked in a Redfern factory (when it had lots of those) before graduating. Based upon knowledge gained in the factory I got a job in North Sydney. I had a flat in Crows Nest, good mates, good beer, walked to work and life was “Sydney” good. Occassionally I traveled to the US for work and took the opportunity to bad mouth everything American. A smart person told me that if see enough of the place you will find something to like and of course I should have listened. I was sent there by my employer at the time for a 6 months sojourn - I viewed it somewhat as a punishment for some past misdeed. Anyway something went wrong with the “plan”, I fell in love with an American and eventually became one. 23 year’s later we returned to a “slightly” changed Australia, our new home, but for us every where is a bit new.
Photography. Some my find it hard to believe that pre-iron age cameras were often made from stone fitted with a pin-hole. I inherited one from my father when we lived in the cave - long battery life, rugged, total bokeh and you could throw them at people you didn’t like.
Awards and education include a Guinness Pouring Certificate from the St. James’s Gate Brewery in Dublin, and a Silver Star for Attendance from Eastwood Primary School (Year 6 - Miss Gibson’s Class).
Feel free to , or @joe_fid - Cheers.
… and why a magpie sitting on a fence in the rain? Have a listen.
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